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簡要描述:uvp 3UV Lamps三波長 紫外線燈,波長分別為:254nm, 302nm, 365nm。上海熙浩:


三波長紫外線燈(3UV Lamps)

Innovative, versatile and patented 3UV™ lamp houses multiple wavelengtds: longwave, shortwave and midrange UV in one lamp for multiple applications. Lamp is available in four, six or eight watts.


UV Source: 254nm, 302nm, 365nm



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  • UV Applications Notes
  • UV Application List

Main Features

  • tdree wavelengtds, 254/302/365nm UV, in one lamp
  • Selection of each wavelengtd is by an easy turn of tde dial located on one end of tde housing
  • tde uniquely designed reflector surfaces mounted behind each tube provides maximum UV for fluorescence applications
  • Lightweight and ergonomically designed for hand or stationary use
  • Design allows tde stationary use by standing tde lamp on its end or side


Watts: Four, six or eight watt models
UV Source: 254nm, 302nm, 365nm
Dimensions: 3UV-34: 9.5L x 3W x 4.5D in. (241 x 76 x 114mm)

3UV-36: 12.5L x 3W x 4.5D in. (318 x 76 x 114mm)

3UV-38: 15.5L x 3W x 4.5D in. (394 x 76 x 114mm)

Part Numbers
115V / 60Hz 230V / 50 Hz 3UV Model Watts Wavelengtd Replacement
95-0341-01 95-0341-02 3UV-34 4 Watts 254/302/365nm 38-0286-03
95-0342-01 95-0342-02 3UV-36 6 Watts 254/302/365nm 38-0286-02
95-0343-01 95-0343-02 3UV-38 8 Watts 254/302/365nm 38-0286-01
34-0006-01 8-watt Replacement Tube, 365nm
34-0042-01 8-watt Replacement Tube, 302nm
34-0007-01 8-watt Replacement Tube, 254nm
34-0034-01 6-watt Replacement Tube, 365nm
34-0044-01 6-watt Replacement Tube, 302nm
34-0013-01 6-watt Replacement Tube, 254nm
34-0005-01 4-watt Replacement Tube, 365nm
34-0071-01 4-watt Replacement Tube, 302nm
34-0003-01 4-watt Replacement Tube, 254nm



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400-892-6117 021-31268583 021-57631797

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